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Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence maps out and expands upon the methodologies of architectural action and reinvigorates the concept of dissent within the architectural field. It expands the notion of dissidence to other similar practices and strategies of resistance, in a variety of historical and geographical contexts.The book also discusses how the gestures and techniques of past struggles, as well as dilemmas of working in politically suppressive regimes, can help to inform those of today. This collection of essays from expert scholars demonstrates the multiple responses to this subject, the potential and dangers of dissidence, and thus constructs a robust lexicon of concepts that will point to possible ways forward for politically and theoretically committed architects and practitioners., Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence reflects on the relevance of the concept of dissidence for architects today. Although dissidence is primarily associated with the political and cultural practice of individuals in the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, contemporary aesthetic practices have in recent years developed a host of new methodologies and techniques for articulating their distance from, and critique of, dominant political and financial structures. This book maps out the possibility of dissidence in architecture in a variety of historical and geographical contexts. Rather than breaking away from the history of the political struggles of the Cold War the book shows how contemporary architectural gestures and techniques of dissent, as well as the ædilemmasÆ associated with it, connect with a deeper and more complex history. This collection of essays from architectural practitioners and scholars demonstrates the multifaceted dimension of this subject and constructs a robust lexicon of concepts that will point to possible ways forward for politically and theoretically committed architects. Book jacket.

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